Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Madison's Blanket

I made my newest niece a nice cozy minkee blanket. I swore I would never sew with minkee again, but somehow I got suckered. Maybe because it matched so good and seemed so perfectly girly without being all binky and babyish. Maybe because it's so stinkin' soft.  Maybe I secretly needed to conquer the challenge of minkee and make it work.  Either way I did.  I did find better success this time... my mom introduced me to basting spray.  I may sew with minkee again, but only if I can afford basting spray.
I think I may have outdone myself anyway.  It's super cute, and I machine quilted around the flowers and then I bound it, by hand.   I did need a creative outlet, but a small blanket got turned into a project and I don't think I could top it!  I want one!