Friday, April 20, 2012

Being More Productive, in a Serving Way.

I am always trying to find ways to be more __(fill in the blank)___.  Usually it's words like; productive, happy, spiritual, friendly, focused, etc.   While having one of my self-improvement sessions, I had been thinking about serving by Helping in The Vineyard.   But after looking at the projects I felt like there was something else I was suppose to be doing.  Well, the March Ensign came out.  I read this article, "A Call for Indexers Worldwide."  I knew it was what I suppose to be doing.  

It is usually was maybe an hour a week. I'd try to knock out 2 or 3 batches a week.  I would do this while Maggie was napping and Landen was taking some quiet time. On days when I didn't have things to get caught up on.    Then the 1940 census records were released.  It's been a huge collaboration effort to get them indexed ASAP! Now, I find myself sneaking some time in to do it after the kids go to bed too.  I downloaded a few batches to do while riding along with Michael too.   I don't know I'll continue doing it, but it's fun to think I'm chipping away on the block with everyone else and together we're accomplishing so much!!

Here's what I love:

  It's a time-out from being mom.  I first started listening to music on the Mormon Channel while I was doing them.  Then I started listening to the talks, but now I often download conference or devotionals to listen too.  It's an awesome way to do some service! It gives me some time to listen to an uplifting message too.  

It's service.  Not that I don't like the 'mow-your-neighbors-lawn' type of service, but sometimes it's hard to do.  I do continue to try to serve my neighbors. Indexing is not a substitute, but it really enhances my opportunities and abilities to serve.

Sometimes it's hard!  I like hard things, they help me to grow. And really, if something isn't challenging I give up easily. I get bored and lose interest.  And it's always new.  It motivates me to write better and clearer.  Seriously, Sometimes I can't tell if it's an S or G.  I've also realized that cursive is a lost art. Really? Who writes in cursive anymore?

These are real people! Sometimes, we think of family history as something to do when we're old.  We think it's about going to cemeteries to find family members.  These are people that are long dead and you didn't know.  But guess what? During the 1940 census my grandparents were alive!! I knew some of these people on these papers.  Some of these people are alive.   This past week, I decided to try and search the census records for some of my family.  I found them.  How cool is that? Someone is going to index their records.... what if it's me? 

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